
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Subject: Birds

So the Subject for this next week will be Birds.
I does not have to be real bird.
An antique.
A model.
It doesn't matter! Just be creative!
Subject idea

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Subject

SO for the next 2 weeks, the subject matter are "Siblings".
Take 3-5 pictures of a particular brother or sister and with the pictures tell a story of their day.
You are NOT allowed to make them pose!
Have Fun!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Begin again!

SO it has been forever since this has been used!
I think we should start again!
Is anyone interested?
I was thinking that each week could have a subject and you can post pictures throughout the week.
Also if you have the software to make a watermark, please do so and put your watermark on the pictures.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I watched a movie on Saturday and it was the best movie I have ever seen!! The name is called "No Greater Love"

Also why is nobody posting pictures??!?!?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Well Okay I am filling the role for Alex and therefore the theme for this week is the Sunset!!

Sooo.. Facinate me with your amazing sunset pics!!!
